Monday, June 21, 2010

The Cross-City Move

I haven't written for quite some time, but I really have an excellent reason this time--last week, I moved both my office and my apartment. It was totally overwhelming. I'm exhausted (less so after the weekend, which was fairly restful).

I was, as you know if you've been keeping up with things on here, psyched about the move from Washington Heights, ghetto of Manhattan, to Williamsburg, hipsterville central of the US of A and Brooklyn. I am loving living in a neighborhood with so many restaurants and that is so close to pretty much everything. Yay L train!! And Brooklyn is kind of awesome. More laid-back than Manhattan, but still New York City. And my new apartment is so nice...!

I took a trip to Ikea on Friday afternoon because I was so anxious to have a sturdier bed than my airmatress (I moved in with no furniture, save for a hanging thing for clothes, since the room has no closet). But I quickly realized that I needed some help. Just another person. And though that irks my independent streak, it's just the truth. So I went home, a bit dejected and realizing that I would need some more planning.

I thought about going on Saturday, but had no one to help me. So I went to my friend, Ryan's, play, written by kids who stutter in an organization he's been working with for about a year. Another mutual friend was in town with a friend of his, so we all went. Lots of fun. At least, kind of interesting. I don't think I've ever really been around anyone who stutters, it was sort of wild to see so many kids in on place who all stutter. But it seems like really an awesome organization, giving a voice to kids who don't have one.

I was also busy last week with packing, moving, then going to a lesson on financial literacy for immigrants for a project I'm working with that's surveying Mexican immigrants to try and develop a microinsurance for them. It was also pretty cool, and exposure into this world of finance that I am really interested in, but haven't gotten much experience in. And research is research is research. That's the lesson I've learned. It's also great for my Spanish (though exhausting).

Oh AND I house-sat for my friend, Molly, and her husband in Queens last weekend. So really, things have been a bit insane. The office move is also a frustrating, as opposed to exciting, one. It's been confusing and frustrating and a move from an annex with a really different culture to the main building where the actual clinic is, and the culture is a bit more...restrictive.

Anyway, I did finally make it to Ikea on Sunday with my friend, Emma, where I purchased my first bed! And a dresser and desk. I excitedly began putting together the bed, though the excitement quickly turned to weariness, but I made it through and put together a more or less sturdy bed, all by myself! I also put together the "desk" (really just a table), and the dresser will have to wait until I can manage a screwdriver again. I also got some shelves and dark stain, which should be a fun project. Overall, I've actually had quite a fun time figuring out how to put all this together and making myself a cute little home all my own. Anyway, that's the update for now! Should be more updates and excitement soon--my dad's coming to visit this weekend, which I'm pretty excited about. So fun times!

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