Sunday, May 30, 2010


Yesterday was my birthday, and the lovely Molly, for whom I am housesitting and who is generously and amazingly helping me move with the loaning of her husband and truck, took me to see Sex and the City 2. I had no idea Molly was into SATC, mostly because we've shared lots of our feminist ideals, and SATC has become less and less really feminist. But we went into it knowing it had awful reviews and would be terrifically horrible. We had no idea.

The main takeaway for me was that it could have been so good!! There were a few scenes that were actually quite touching and insightful--into the characters, into our society. And then there was all this random shit that happened. As if the producers went (Molly's words), "You know what, folks? This movie is going to make a butt-load, no matter what it is about. So let's make a list of things that would be cool to include, and we'll draw some out of a hat and just throw those in. Wouldn't that be fun??" The most awful part was a scene where the women do karaoke together--they sing "I Am Woman," which is not upbeat nor popular in the last 30 years. And just kind of dumb. What made it most tragic was the possibility--it could have been "I Will Survive" or something. Which is awesome and empowering, maybe not the right lyrics, but really fun. I'm sure they could've thought of something else. So that was frustrating.

It was also just really obnoxiously ostentatious to a completely unnecessary degree. And Carrie was way annoying, more-so than in the show or the first movie. And just generally all the complaints were so ridiculous. Their lives are all without any financial worries, and they can't figure out ways to make their live mean something? Just kind of stupid. Anyway, I'm still glad I saw it, if only for nostalgia.

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