Thursday, June 3, 2010

This would be my Facebook status if it weren't so long

Another New York City story. This one is kind of sad.

This morning was way busy at work (yay!), and I ended up going to the pharmacy with a client to get his medications. Well, we're in the Rite Aid, and as the pharmacist is explaining that the client will actually have to pay for one of the things, and it will cost maybe $4-6, he is saying he doesn't have $5, which is pathetic but probably true (at least sort of, like, at least not $5 to spare), and this older woman at the same moment is getting her reciept while picking up her prescription, and notes that the reciept is extremely long and what a waste of paper that is (wait until she looks at the printed information that you get with EVERY REFILL. Talk about wasted paper). But I was just so struck by the contrasted concerns--my patient upset because Medicaid won't pay $5 for something, and this woman totally distressed that the Rite Aid was wasting so much paper. Perfectly New York.

It's definitely sad. And also hilariously demonstrative of how effed up our country is. How much we waste and yet, can only help people a small bit. I also should note that today alone I had two patients say they think AIDS is a conspiracy by "them" to kill black people or make money by not using the cure that he was convinced they already have developed.

Sometimes I think I'm really naive. I totally give people the benefit of the doubt; assume they are logical. But actually, most people don't understand much about the world. Probably myself included. I try and explain to people that no one is actually out to get them. They probably don't believe me. Or, worse, think I'm "them." Not that I approve of how the world is or works. But the feeling and effects of dis-empowerment is quite striking.

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